Dear Families, as we continue living with COVID-19, ROM will keep track of community levels and abide by the suggested behaviors of the CDC, WHO, and our local health authorities.
COVID UPDATE: March 30, 2024
ROM offers a Mask-Optional policy. This means those students who choose to dance unmasked may do so and those who would like to wear a mask can feel free to wear them.
In efforts to keep everyone well we will continuing following these policies:
1. ROM offers a Zoom option for every class. If you or your dancer feel more comfortable attending via Zoom please send us an email alerting us their attendance will be online.
2. We ask all dancers with any symptoms of illness to stay home and participate via Zoom until a Covid test can be performed or symptoms have subsided. These symptoms may include, but are not limited to, runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, fatigue, headache, body aches and fever.
3. If your dancer tests positive, please remain in class via zoom until symptoms are gone or upon receiving a negative test result.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, ROM has made decisions to do everything possible to keep our dancers and staff as safe and healthy as we can. We can proudly say by following safety procedures, we have maintained a safe environment for our dancers. Thank you for your flexibility and support as we continue to maneuver through these ever changing circumstances in which we find ourselves.